Debate on a theme at the heart of the international agenda: thoughts on sustainability, economics and innovation for a response to current global challenges


The third Sustainable Economy Forum was held yesterday in web conference mode, an international event sponsored by Confindustria and Fondazione San Patrignano designed to stimulate thinking on themes currently dominating the international debate and contribute to finding solutions to the challenges of our era. Celli Group together with the brand Acqua Alma, took part in this exchange of experiences between entrepreneurs, economists, policy makers, social and intellectual stakeholders and researchers as a forum partner and beverage market benchmark with a marked strong sustainability and innovation vocation.

As number 1 in Europe and number 3 worldwide for the design, production and management of professional draught beer plants which embraced digital technology and IOT some time ago and is constantly engaged in passing on the message that worldwide drinks consumption is based on a powerfully imbalanced and no longer sustainable model, including in consideration of constant population growth: 95% of consumption is in single-use packs such as bottles and cans. And with a specific focus on water consumption in Italy, the situation is even worse: Italy is ranked first in the world for bottled mineral water consumption per capita despite its tap water being good and safe. A paradigmatic change is needed, exploiting technological innovation and dispensing systems which focus less on purification than on generating a full-blown consumer alternative which is more satisfying and, at the same time, sustainable.

This year's Sustainable Economy Forum goal is health, economy and finance, environment and innovation, promoting debate and insights into long term solutions to the most pressing global problems such as water consumption and better water resource management in general for the creation of development models which put people centre-stage, with economics at the service of society in terms of resource use, technology, labour, welfare, community and interpersonal relationships focusing on sustainability, social responsibility and the key drivers of socio-economic wellbeing for future generations.

Chaired by the executive deputy director of Radio 24, Sebastiano Barisoni, speakers at the conference included eminent exponents of the Italian economic and institutional scene, such as Carlo Bonomi, President of Confindustria, and Carlo Clavarino, President of Fondazione San Patrignano. Keynote speeches were given by globally famous economist Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Columbia University Earth Institute and special advisor to the United Nations on Sustainable Development Goals; Senator Mario Monti, in his capacity as president of the WHO’s Pan-European Commission on Health and Sustainable Development; John E. Scanlon, president of the UK government's Illegal Wildlife Trade Challenge Fund, president of the Global Initiative to End Wildlife Crime and chief executive officer of the Elephant Protection Initiative.

In the focus section designed to share success stories and offer long term solutions to the problems and changes facing us, in addition to Gallavotti of the Celli Group, the following spoke: Maria Paola Chiesi, director of the Chiesi Shared Value & Sustainability; Gianfelice Rocca, President of Istituto Clinico Humanitas; Luca Travaglini, founder of Planet  Farms; Anna Zegna, President of Fondazione Zegna; Andrea Illy, president of illycaffè and president of the Regenerative Society Foundation; Andrew Barr, vice-president of Hitachi LTD and chief executive officer of Hitachi Rail Group; Roberto Colaninno, president of Piaggio; Giuseppe Lavazza, vice-president of Lavazza; Fabio Benasso, chief executive officer and president of Accenture Italy; Carlo Messina, chief executive officer of Intesa Sanpaolo; Maria Cristina Piovesana, vice-president of Confindustria per l’Ambiente, la Sostenibilità e la Cultura.

“We are proud to take an active part in the Sustainable Economy Forum which we have been supporting since 2019. We believe that leading firms must take responsibility for the future of our societies and for culture creation, transmitting the urgent need to replace our current consumption models with innovative solutions, raise awareness and guide people’s understanding of the change currently underway, of crucial importance if future generations are to be ensured a liveable and sustainable future”, said Mauro Gallavotti, Celli Group CEO. “The added value of Italian firms must be developing scenarios, strategies and policies designed to make Italy a European and world benchmark. We are doing everything we can to offer our skills and know how to draw up sustainability studies such as that developed in conjunction with The European House - Ambrosetti with Splash: perceptions, reality and trends in Italian water consumption, or, via the work of Community Valore Acqua per l’Italia which we sponsor together with many other firms in the extended water chain”.

The pandemic has emphasised yet further that sustainability is a shared responsibility, a strategic competition factor which is indispensable for the harmonious economic, social and environmental development of all nations”, noted Carlo Clavarino, president of Fondazione San Patrignano, “as it has the importance for firms and institutions of setting themselves long term and wide horizon goals”. 

